Currently busy for classes and assignments PLUS presentation. Gotta research and prepare a lot. Hence, maybe no time to update my bloggie. X(
Since the 2 weeks holidays I was too enjoyed with online, TV, sleeping, hang out and eating, totally didn't even touch the question of the assignments. Sigh. Really no mood to doing it leh. What to do. So, gonna struggle it within 2 weeks time before the due date.
The first research I gonna do now is OLAY! Yeap, I'm doing a assignments based on the printed media of Olay since it's the only ads I can found in the newspaper. Advertisement, I kinda interest on this area. ;p
About the presentation, I was really headache with it. We are given to sell a SEMINAR to a headmistress of a tuition center. We still considering what kind of seminar gonna sell to, related to education? Reading? How to earn more money??? No idea at all!! Argh, I can't read my lecturer mind. He was created differ profile for differ group to take out the presentation. We gotta think and think what kind of seminar to attract this PERSON. ;(
*Do you guys had any idea for me?*
Wah. Your reslult not bad already. Better than mine. =(