Elecoldxhot? What is it? Actually is my boy dance team and career sources. lol. Wanna know more about them? Go Facebook join their page! And you can search for the previous competition include Astro Battleground video at Youtube. ;) I miss their routine and moments while they participant in the competition. Keep going here and there to watch the live casting. But it's really tired, luckily this year they are not joining. ;p
Well, back to the topic, WHY do we farewell for Leon? He is going to Japan soon for his artist career. I was so ENVY! since I'm a Japan freak. I want him to get signature from all my favorite artists! XD
He won the competition at China which broadcast on TV, I think it's showing on Astro soon, CH315 WA!TV. You can view the competition of Leon's part at HERE. ;)
We went to TAK FOK Restaurant at Kepong. They had ordered various kind of crabs.
wow so much food on the table.